9476038105, 9360956334


Part I 90Days

1. Synoptic Gospels
2. Int. to NT Greek
3. Int. to Biblical Hebrew
4. Intro. To The Bible
5. History of Christianity in the World
6. World Religions
7. Introduction to Systematic Theology
8. Research Methodology

Part II 75Days

1. History of Christianity in India
2. Intro. To the Christian
3. Pauline Theology
4. Cults and Occults
5. Major Prophets
6. Pastoral Care and Counselling
7. Leadership
8. Church growth and Administration

Part III 90Days

1. Homiletics
2. Minor Prophets in Contemporary Context
3. O.T Theology
4. Understanding the Indian Society
5. Johannine Thought
6. Introduction to Missions
7. Modern Religious and Secular Movements
8. Contemporary Ecumenical Movements
9.(Synod Of Anglican Episcopal Communion International Diocese.) (SAECID)