9476038105, 9360956334


Part I 90Days

1. Christian Education
2. OT Survey
3. NT Survey
4. Theology I
5. Pentateuch
6. Major Religions
7. Life of Christ
8. Church History
9. Pentecostal Foundations
10. Praise & Worship
11. Research Methodology
12. Bible Characters

Part II 75Days

1. Theology II
2. Indian Church History
3. Major Prophets
4. General Epistles
5. Pastoral Care and Counseling
6. Christian Ethics
7. Pauline Epistles
8. Hermeneutics
9. Church Growth and Administration
10. Christian Marriage & Family
11. Leadership
12. Equipment Handling

Part III 90Days

1. Daniel & Revelation
2. Book Of Acts
3. Poetical Books
4. Prison Epistles
5. Mission And Evangelism
6. Minor Prophets
7. Homiletics
8. Pastoral Epistles
9. Missionary Biography
10. Contemporary Ecumenical Movements
11. Communication
12. Bible Geography and Archeology